Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Interesting Phrases

"A dollar isn't shit anymore."
  - A man responding to another person trying to buy a cigarette from him on the smoking patio at a bar.

"I'm sorry our family is so dysfunctional. Everything fell apart after grandpa died."
  - My dad apologizing to my sister through text messaging after she expressed her anger at his interaction with the rest of our family.

"I can't stop eating Fruit Roll-Ups."
"What do they taste like?"
"God's love and red food dye."
  - Two teens talking at a restaurant.

"I'm not scared of your stolen power. I see right through you each and every hour."
  - Rapper at a party free styling about corrupt politicians and government in America.

"Do you think I'm a Facebook post? I'm not worried about you liking me."
  - Guy trying, and failing, to pick up a girl at the bar.

One Page Script

Sitting at a dining room table in a kitchen - Early evening

Father - Reaches for the daughter's hand. Holding back anger and tears. Takes a deep breath in as he attempts to find the words to express years of built up anger and disappointment.

Father - This isn't... What can I say? 

Daughter - Abruptly, she interrupts him. Her face shows dissatisfaction because she knows that she isn't going to hear what she wants to hear. The father shows a sense of surprise.

Daughter - Do you know what I worry about? Grandpa died
and now Grandma is alone and scared. She doesn't have her
family anymore and you are too stubborn to understand that
she needs you. Soon she will be dead and you're going to be
full of regret. Is that really what you want?

Father - Tears fill his eyes. Light sobbing begins and a face of anguish becomes visible.

Father - There are years of feelings I can't begin to describe.
It's easy for an outsider to see what the world sees but until
they've lived with these people they'll never know. I worry also.
I worry that I'll regret everything. I worry that you'll think
I'm a horrible person and never understand the life I've lived
Some people will never be able to get along. Am I crazy?

Daughter - Pulls hand back. Holding back tears in a show of strength.

Daughter - We need to live each day trying to be the
best we can. Living with grudges is like living with 
cancer. Holes develop in the soul and eat away at your
happiness. Our family is suffering and for what??

Father - Reaches out for the daughter's hand. He barely manages to grab her fingers.

Father - I'm sorry our family is so dysfunctional.
Everything fell apart after Grandpa died.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Documentary Video


Creative Concept - I plan on creating a documentary that uses images of war and statistics about the lives of veterans post-military to produce an impactful and informative video that hopefully raises the awareness of the struggles veterans have after separating from the military.

Title - Life After the Military - Coping with Post Traumatic Stress and the Transition to Civilian Life.

Tagline - What doesn't kill you can still ruin your life.

Subject - The lives of American veterans after their separation from the military.

Documentary Style - Realist

How I'll Make It - I plan to use personal interviews of combat veterans, possibly their family members, and a professional military-counselor to make the video. 

Logline - On average, 22 military veterans across the country commit suicide everyday because of their experiences with combat and the subsequent mental health issues that can arise afterwards.

Director of Photography

Style Book - 


Look of Interviews - I would like to have interviews that briefly show the veteran's face but quickly cut to images of them from their military experience to show credibility and background as many viewers will be unfamiliar with the subject matter.

B-Roll - My b-roll footage will consist of somber scenes like the American flag waving, a veteran graveyard, Iraqi war footage and images, troops in formation or marching, Honor Guard ceremonies and other patriotic/military scenes.


Poster -

The poster relates to the documentary because the image of an American veteran waving the flag is clearly recognizable. Immediately the audience can sense a feeling of somberness and despair yet hope and perseverance is also felt. The waving of the flag symbolizes patriotism and commitment to military service but having the veteran's hands in the air can also symbolize a surrendering or a need for help. The title is prominently displayed so the audience can clearly understand the intent of the image.

Editing Style - The style of editing I intend to use is a mixture of scenes of war, personal interviews, and images of despair/sadness. The transitions between each of these clips will be subtle. with the potentially graphic content I hope to not startle or trigger negative reactions from the viewers, some of which may be very familiar with the subject matter. I envision using fade-outs and fade-ins to help the audience feel comfortable watching and listening to the video. Using titles and text over the footage will be crucial to relaying information about the different subjects and their roles in the military.

Monday, January 23, 2017

"Missed Calls" by Mac Miller (Prod. By Ritz Reynolds)

This video is narrative. We know this because of how the footage follows the lyrics to the song and tells a story.

This video utilizes lots of different visual components. The color throughout the video is a lot of cool colors. This choice was probably made because it is a very depressing topic he is singing about in the song. The movement in this music video is very fast paced and seemingly spontaneous. There are plenty of shots of the subject moving from side to side and there are also clips of people driving cars which provides movement as well. The space is primarily either close ups or from a short distance away. Each of these components follows the songs message. When the song is playing at different times the shots match the lyrics or tone.

The key moments in the film are each time that the two subjects are together on screen at the same time and then as the song progresses we see less and less of the two together at the same time. This is key because the song is about breaking up and abandoning each other. These shots are photographed from close up for the sad person and further away for the happy person.

The camera moves around rapidly during the different footage throughout the video but at times when the focus is on just one person the camera is stationary but the background is often moving.

The video follows the message of the song almost precisely. The lyrics portray a bad break up and the struggle to not love the other person anymore. This short video does a great job at showing the audience each stage of the process.
I'm just any other guy. Hanging in there like the rest of us. On a late Friday night you might find me behind my drumset rocking some beats with my band or I might be out kicking it and hanging at the club. I like to make electronic/punk/nerdcore/bitchip music that makes people want to bounce around or dance but not take it or themselves too seriously while doing it. It's supposed to be a good time. In my opinion music is meant to be entertaining and captivating not a chore to listen. For a long time I was in metal bands or hardcore bands and they were fun to be a part of but the music was ultimately exhausting and left me feeling completely unfulfilled. Lugging all that gear around to maybe play for 20 people and make $100 seemed like a waste of time. Now I like to devote my energy towards producing music through my laptop and software like Logic or GarageBand. I have been working on an album for a few months and am getting close to the point of having a really stellar product.
My favorite shows are anything about kicking ass and stealing money. If I could make music videos about money, cars, karate, guns, boats, drugs, girls, car chases, fight scenes, dancing, or anything else fun and exciting I would be content with that. Occasionally I could work with slower or maybe less visually stimulating material but I really enjoy creating music that is fun and upbeat. My goal for this semester would be to learn how to direct and produce videos but I also want to make sure I learn a decent amount of editing techniques for future projects.